Telnet (and Other Protocol) Clients
You can connect to Toxic Laboratory BBS using Telnet, RLogin or SSH. Any terminal emulator capable of these protocols will work, but may not offer the correct ANSI graphics.
We suggest you access the BBS using one of the clients below. SyncTERM is by far the best client, but if you are unable to use it for some reason, try some of the alternatives below.
Connect to the BBS using address:
Problems? Try just the IP address:
SyncTERM: ***Recommended***
A free, compact, simple, multi-platform client with Telnet, RLogon and SSH capabilities written by the authors of Synchronet, the BBS server software that we use. ANSI graphics compatibility is perfect.
Guaranteed 100% compatible and recommended above all other clients.
Download for Windows
Download for Linux
Download for Mac OS X
Another free, multi-platform client with fairly good ANSI graphics compatibility. Recommended only if you are unable to use SyncTERM.
Download for Windows
Download for Linux
Download for Mac OS X
A Windows telnet client no longer in development, with fairly good ANSI graphics compatibility. Only recommended if you cannot use SyncTERM or Netrunner.
Download for Windows